King of Kings Lyrics
King of Kings
Lord of lords
Conquering Lion
Of the tribe of Judah
You lit a fire
Light up this world
Our creator
Selassie I
Highest one who took us out of Egypt
Led us across the Red Sea
One who destroyed our enemies
So that his people could be free
One who guided us by a pillar of clouds by day
Ball of fire so I and I could see
Mighty God of Israel
Israelites do you agree
King of Kings
Lord of lords
Conquering Lion
Of the tribe of Judah
He lit a fire
Light of this world
Our creator
Selassie I
Here we are once more in Egypt
Offspring of our fathers and we,
‘Cause of disobedience
We were again carried beyond the seas
He assured us he would regather us
Amongst the countries where they scattered us
Then we’ll sing a new song in that land
And exalt his Imperial Majesty
Let us sing, King of Kings
Lord of lords
Conquering Lion
Of the tribe of Judah
He lit a fire
Light of this world
Our creator
Selassie I
Our creator
Selassie I
Our creator
Selassie I
Our creator
Selassie I
Our creator
Selassie I
Our creator
Selassie I