The Nominees are in for The Best Reggae Album

The winner of the Grammy for the Best Reggae Album will be tough to call

The nominations are made up of four acts out of Jamaica and one act from Ghana and the winner will be decided at the Grammy Awards which will taek place on February 15 2016 in Los Angeles.

It has been a great year as always for Reggae music with many new albums and single being released but of course only a few can be selected for consideration.

This year’s nominees include the following acts:

Branches of The Same Tree by Ghanaian singer Rocky Dawuni

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Strictly Roots by Morgan Heritage

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Zion Awake by Luciano

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Acousticalevy by Barrington Levy

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The Cure by Jah Cure

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Who do you want to see win the Grammy for Best Reggae Album?

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